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YCS 2009 - Northern Ireland - Results for Girls 8-10 (total 2)

Total entries = 40 Round 2 - Ozone - Belfast  
Name Boulder Score Route Score Countback Manual Total Position Ranking Points Climb-off Raw Total Rank Total Current Rank Position
Eleanor Lawrence 173 300     473 1 100   780 200 1
Victoria Colligan 170 300     470 2 80   770 160 2
YCS 2009 - Northern Ireland - Results for Boys 8-10 (total 7)
Total entries = 40 Round 2 - Ozone - Belfast  
Name Boulder Score Route Score Countback Manual Total Position Ranking Points Climb-off Raw Total Rank Total Current Rank Position
Saul Calvert 171 297     468 1 100   777 200 1
Martin Cervenka 167 285     452 2 80   736 160 2
David Lassov 147 291     438 3 65   736 130 3
Aidan Hawkins                 398 55 4
Dara Curren 95 244     339 4 55   244 55 4
Caolan Hawkins                 394 51 6
Tom Bowden                 393 47 7
YCS 2009 - Northern Ireland - Results for Girls 11-13 (total 3)
Total entries = 40 Round 2 - Ozone - Belfast  
Name Boulder Score Route Score Countback Manual Total Position Ranking Points Climb-off Raw Total Rank Total Current Rank Position
Niamh Mullan 163 293     456 1 100   708 180 1
Kate Monaghan 152 266     418 2 80   691 180 1
Louise Murray 139 244     383 3 65   244 65 3
YCS 2009 - Northern Ireland - Results for Boys 11-13 (total 11)
Total entries = 40 Round 2 - Ozone - Belfast  
Name Boulder Score Route Score Countback Manual Total Position Ranking Points Climb-off Raw Total Rank Total Current Rank Position
Jamie Rankin 158 279     437 2 80   727 180 1
Evan Lassov 180 300     480 1 100   747 180 1
Ciaran Curran 154 262     416 5 51   707 116 3
Michael Colligan 154 267     421 4 55   680 106 4
Jonathan Cooke 155 250     405 8 40   688 95 5
John James O' Reilly 97 180     277 11 31   526 78 6
Daragh O' Connor 158 265     423 3 65   265 65 7
Eoin Acton 151 261     412 6 47   261 47 8
Andrew Mawhinney 154 257     411 7 43   257 43 9
Aidan Hawkins 146 247     393 9 37   247 37 10
William Hazzard 143 235     378 10 34   235 34 11
YCS 2009 - Northern Ireland - Results for Girls 14-16 (total 6)
Total entries = 40 Round 2 - Ozone - Belfast  
Name Boulder Score Route Score Countback Manual Total Position Ranking Points Climb-off Raw Total Rank Total Current Rank Position
Katie Maxwell 180 295     475 2 80   773 180 1
Rachel Cooper 180 300     480 1 100   762 180 1
Vanessa Woods 147 228     375 3 65   674 130 3
Lucy Mullan 140 215     355 4 55   651 110 4
Emma Bogues 131 198     329 5 51   588 102 5
Clara McCourt 70 113     183 6 47   448 94 6
YCS 2009 - Northern Ireland - Results for Boys 14-16 (total 11)
Total entries = 40 Round 2 - Ozone - Belfast  
Name Boulder Score Route Score Countback Manual Total Position Ranking Points Climb-off Raw Total Rank Total Current Rank Position
Tim McGlinchey 172 297     469 1 100   770 200 1
Andrew Colligan 170 299     469 1 100   770 180 2
Craig Hawthorne 140 218     358 5 51   612 116 3
Kyran O'Neill 136 230     366 4 55   609 110 4
Mark Curran 122 219     341 7 43   560 94 5
David Hopkins 152 222     374 3 65   222 65 6
Vincenz Woile 135 212     347 6 47   212 47 7
Ivan Ryan 125 202     327 8 40   202 40 8
Jordan Singh 118 203     321 9 37   203 37 9
Fiachra Corcoran 123 182     305 10 34   182 34 10
Sean Totterdell 112 182     294 11 31   182 31 11