Author: Mr Alderson

Volunteer blog posters

As you can see below, I have asked Dominic to write our first blog post by a pupil (and note that he has asked for your responses so feel free to reply).
During the trip we will be looking for volunteers each evening to write a short report about their own experiences during the group’s activities. If you think you would enjoy being involved in this way, let me know by replying to this post.

Past visits

Medical forms

Many thanks to all the parents and participants who have returned their completed Medical and Emergency Information forms for the trip.
If you still have yours, please return it as a matter of urgency. Some of the information must be forwarded to the Centre in advance and in any case, I will ask you to check my interpretation of details at the parents meeting.
Participants can hand their form to me in the JSO during morning registration.

Deadlines and dates

A reminder that the final payment for the trip is due by the end of lunchtime on Monday 11 October 2010. If you are adhering to my original timetable this payment will be £60.00 (total £225.00). Please avoid delaying payment until the parents meeting.
There is a meeting for all participants and their parents on Tuesday 12 October 2010 at 7:00pm in the West Hall.
Please try to be there with your son/daughter. It’s always a useful forty five (ish) minutes with plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
Finally, the trip departure date is Sunday 31 October, towards the end of half term.
The coach will collect us at 8:30am but remember the clocks go back one hour on Saturday night!

Here we go again

As you can read here, this visit will be the 47th time I have taken our students to stay at Kent Mountain Centre and experience the rugged excitement of Snowdonia and North Wales. On the other hand this is the first time we have tried this blog idea.
The aim is to keep everyone informed as we approach departure date and during the visit. Please support this experiment by visiting the blog regularly.

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