Category: 2016 Information

Evening activities 2016

As the sun sets and the students have filled their bellies with warm and tasty food the evening adventures begin. With a variety of ghouls and ghosts whispering in the trees the students brains are engaged in a variety of problem solving activities, which combined intellect with brawn.

Day 1 saw the students create pyramids of numbers, while getting a ball to escape from a maze! With some minds clearly still hampered by an Egyptian sand storm the final task of building a self supporting structure seemed near impossible. However team Tiddlywinks some how managed to get every member of their team off the ground along with a very nervous Keith.

Day 2 saw water added to the equation. After being blindfolded in a mathematical square dance, the students quickly negotiated a spider’s web, before swinging from table to table with a bucket of water splishing and a splashing along the way.  With Mrs Webster in the tick of the action all was looking good until the final swing with Summer at her side!