The stegosaurus

Arriving at the mountain we were all thinking the same thing: do you think he saw-us (get it?) and also hoping that the fog would calm down. The beginning was simple, walking on dry grass, wet grass and passing the occasional river. Then the terrain went rocky road, we felt like goat parkour masters as we climbed rock to rock. We could feel rain beginning it spit upon us. We scrambled up the mountain for about an hour, it was exhausting but when we got to the top, well at least we thought so.

The fog was so strong it looked like an unfinished cartoon with no background, just plain white, the  fabulous view of utter nothingness, because of this Jez, our horse-phobic instructor, had to give us a WHOLE 5 MINUTE break (thank god).In this break, like you do, I decided to have a cup of tea and be swarmed by the whole group just because I (attempted to) secretly remove this delicious product from my bag and taste the whole rainbow of flavours from SkittlesTM, but I only had red and green, fortunately there was still 60% of the product inside my bag. After completing our journey and reaching the summit the fog had cleared and you could see the amazing view and thought to ourselves “how did I like get here?”

We ate lunch, took a picture by Adam and Eve, two rocks that stood next to each other, Eve being the shorter one and Adam being the taller and the thinner. Then we begun our descent. We half climbed – half slid down some rocks till be got to a ‘stair case’. It was a path made of lots of badly placed rocks that we couldn’t step off so we wouldn’t erode the mud.

Going down was equally or maybe even more difficult but twice as rewarding with the views, slowly seeing our minibus getting closer and closer, our feet hurting more and more we all begun speeding up and watching our feet to not to step into any sea deep mud (which unfortunately happened to me).

So in conclusion the trip up Mount Tryfan (stegosaurus) was an amazing, foggy, wet and rewarding with the view experience.

By the way we called Mount Tryfan Stegosaurus because from the last mountain we were on (The head of the black hound) from there, it looked like the back of a stegosaurus.

By Arek and Bramble