Tuesday, TEAM ZONKEY…long story! (Mike’s group)

Once upon a time there were a group of people who had a passion for goats. So they decided to climb Mount Tryfan (the south peak). They had a wonderful time spotting goats and lots and lots of poo! They also managed to get to the top without dying! It was fun (:

First of all the set off up the mountain.It was quite cold and very steep.We failed at this because Maddy was our leader. When we got a bit higher we decided to change our leader to Kayne and Shayan. They were much better at this job and managed to get us half way, where Katie and Abi took over.

After about 1 hour we came across an overhang (a rock coming out of the mountain side). Some of the BRAVE people (including, Me, Maddy and Dan) had our photo taken standing on the top of it.

After a while we stopped for a bite to nibble on, this was in a cave(which was dripping onto MY sandwich!!): then we set of to the summit(the top…..bop bop bop, right to the top, slip and slide and ride that rhythm)

On our way down we had many lovely conversations, 1 of which was about Zonkeys 🙂 and now everyone in our group loves ZONKEYS!!!

We then started on our trek back down the very steep and un-steadddddyyyyyyyy mountain.

When we were near the bottom Maddy decided she needed the toilet… REALLY BADLY, and would not stop going on about it, which got on everybody’s nerve. After a while Ellie persuaded Maddy to go to the toilet, after that everyone was happy that she had shut-up. By then everyone was soaking and swimming in mud, we used this opportunity to splash about and roll down hills (well that was only Maddy…she was a bit….maybe very…. hyper).

By the time we were at the bottom we were all delirious with laughter.

you know you love me….xoxo….gossip girl(Abi & Ellie & Maddy)

talk to you soon, love abi, ellie maddy xxx

2 comments on Tuesday, TEAM ZONKEY…long story! (Mike’s group)

  1. I still think that a ‘Zonkey’ should be called a ‘Debra’, but I can see the confusion that could take place if a zoologist with a cold was actually trying to describe a Zebra!

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