Rock Climbing

Yesterday evening we went to the climbing wall and there were 2 walls that we climbed with manual b-layers and I managed to climb to the top of both walls. After those walls we went to the crazy climbs which were great fun as there were all sorts of climbs.

Today we were woken up to a new day full of new activities and knowing it was our last. We started of the day when we went down to breakfast; this is when we were told that we were going to have to tidy our rooms after activities. We then went to our rooms to get ready and came down to the common room; from there we went to our meeting rooms and were told we were doing sea level traversing. We got a list for what we needed to pack and wear. We retrieved to our rooms to fetch our kit. We then walked towards the mini bus when everyone was ready.

When we reached the place for the sea level traversing, we went and checked the conditions and they were too rough for our plan so we took a walk around the area and back to the minibus.

We then went to the centre to get some new kit for rock climbing. So we had some lunch and drove towards the rock climbing venue, which was conveniently close. The venue had 2 routes to climb and they were challenging in some ways. We climbed up and down them twice. We drove back after.

When we reached the centre we had to give everything back that we borrowed and said our last goodbyes to our instructors. We then went and got ready for dinner, and were told the routine for the evening. So we tidied our room until we went downstairs and had a choice for a movie, sitting and talking or reading. I chose to sit and talk, and play cards. After this we went to the common room and were given certificates based on our personality and best moments. As we progressed through the evening we were shown all the pictures of the trip. The day was finally concluded when we went up to our rooms and went to bed.

By Shaheer