To The Top

An early start began the day, when we found out we were going to be climbing Tryfan, a small mountain nearby. We were all really excited and couldn’t wait to get started. Molly, Maria and Dan provided us with entertainment on the minibus to start off. Although their singing was funny it wasn’t the best singing we had heard. On the bus certain people were given some safety equipment to carry with them, Maria was given a rope, and Ben was given a yellow safety shelter for emergencies.

When we arrived at Tryfan, we tried to work out the route ahead of us. We thought it would be best if we just made our way to the top, using the hardest route possible! Mr Alderson warned us that the last half of the walk would be climbing.

To begin with the walk was very tiring, but we were all determined to reach the top. The regular short breaks helped a lot and allowed everyone to regain their breath and strength. The walking part took us roughly an hour. We then reached the long climb up the jagged rocks all the way to the summit.

The climb was challenging and took us longer than expected. Mr Alderson took the lead and found the most safe and sturdy route. We stayed in a single file line helping each other to find foot and hand holds along the way. The summit seemed decades away, but before we knew it we reached the top (with no casualties, just a few wet trousers!!!), it was very scary and high.

At roughly 1 o’clock we sat down in a sheltered area at the summit to stop and eat lunch. We were all really hungry and relieved that we were allowed to eat at last. When everyone had finished their lunch we started our descent. Mr Alderson gave us some tips about how to stay on our feet when climbing down the loose rocks and stones.

When we got about a quarter of the way down Maria realised that she had left the rope at the top, Mr Alderson was not best pleased L, as the cheapest climbing ropes cost £60.There wasn’t time to head back up, so we have asked the groups who are going to Tryfan tomorrow to look for the missing rope.

The descent was tricky and Ellie fell on her bum 19 times (God knows how many bruises!!!). On the way down we saw jet planes speeding low down along the valley, not a sight you see every day! Also Will and Ben decided it would be a good idea to be blessed by the Welsh water. This meant lying down by the riverside and shoving your face in the ice cold water and getting brain freeze, it was so tempting to push them in!

The weather forecast was not brilliant and thunder and lightning was expected. Whilst we were making our way down we were shocked by a massive crash of thunder. This was then followed by two curtains of visible rain closing into us in the middle of the valley. We all scrambled to get our waterproofs on before the rain hit us, unfortunately, we were not quick enough and we got extremely wet. The rain didn’t last very long, even though it was very heavy.

We all carried on walking back towards the minibus. The path was reasonably wet and muddy. Several members of our group became very muddy, very quickly. Will managed to fall face first into to a mud puddle, funny to watch but not so fun for him. Emily felt it would be fun to jump in every puddle in sight, splashing Esme with mud in the process.

After a fun and exciting day, we made our way back to the minibus. We took off our waterproofs and packed them in our rucksacks. Molly, Maria and Dan began singing again and they made the whole minibus sing along with them. When we got back to the centre we were desperate for showers and dinner, we didn’t have to wait too long. After dinner we were all told where to meet and the majority went outside to do activities. One group was taken to a local climbing wall and our group was taken to blogging in the lecture room where we are now. It’s been a great and enjoyable day, though we are now looking forward to bed.

Written by Ellie and Esme xxx

3 comments on To The Top

  1. Ellie – on your bottom 19 times – poor you, is it very bruised, can you sit down? LOL!! Am looking forward to having you home. Hope you’ve all enjoyed your last day. xx

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