The day we were abandoned

This morning we had breakfast, and all the usual things that the other blogs had talked about that we cannot be bothered to type/list.

Any who we drove to a car park to drop off another group as they weren’t very good with organising themselves and we are clearly the DREAM TEAM (explosions and fireworks) however if you ask a reasonable adult they will tell you we were giving them a “lift” but we all know who was right.

Moving on we then drove to another car park which we then had to walk to “test” our map reading abilities we basically were abandoned and given a certain spot to walk to without getting lost and if we made it we had to climb 300 feet which is torture enough. However if we didn’t make it we would have had to sit tight and wait for a lovely responsible person to come save us AKA Mary (She puts the hard in hardcore, she is amazing)or have Mr white come save us. Also something else you might find rather interesting is that we manage to climb 3650 feet 2624 feet and barely get a blister however get us to walk 100 yards without a reasonable adult and Mr White and one of us manage to NEARLY twist their ankle. Yet AGAIN moving on we then had to climb the 300 feet which was a torturous session which consisted of Mr White giving us ridiculous riddles and perfect puns (look at that Amazing Awesome Alliteration (16 billion points to Miska and Kathy) see we haven’t completely forgotten our education). After climbing we stopped of at broken house with no roof and enjoyed lunch with some memorable banter going on. (by the way the food here is really good better than the school dinners).

Next we walked down the hill ( as apparently something less than 800 feet is NOT a mountain but a HILL) we then walked to the lake Llyn Dinas where we had an amazing skimming competition which the winning skim was eleven skims. Next we had to make our way back to the van which was parked in the car park. You can certainly tell how much the teachers love us by the fact that they drove by us while we had to walk all the way back In the RAIN. We weren’t happy about it I know.

No matter we had a great time and we can definitely say we love it.

By Katherine and Miska