Will we get lost?

Today Kiera and Libby came into our room to wake us up, to get ready for the day. However most of us couldn’t be bothered to move, but I needed to have a shower and whilst I was in the shower I encountered a big lobster bug so I ran out nearly screaming. Staying in bed we eventually realised the time so we rushed quickly to get to breakfast. For breakfast we had Sausage, Beans and Potato SMILEYSSSSS!!!!  Most of us enjoyed breakfast, which was followed on by our usual meet in the common room to watch either CBeebies, milkshake or CBBC, the channels that we all love <3

After this we met in our collective meeting rooms with our instructor to review the previous day, also to discuss the plan for the day and to also find out the equipment and clothes for our adventure. We found out that we would be navigating our own walk by starting at one point on our maps and reaching a little village by a lake to find the teachers. To start with we all agreed that someone or everyone one would die or get completely lost.

We gathered in the courtyard in our walking boots all ready to leave. So we climbed on the minibus, but as per usual Sam was either late, missing clothing or missing equipment. On the journey to our starting point, well… to begin Paige was reading ‘HARRY POTTER’ like normal but Mr. White said “Paige why not read it out loud so that we can all listen.” Paige disagreed, but then Jaime piped in and read almost a whole chapter with great voices!

Once we arrived at our stop by the train station we got off. Mr. White stayed with us until the farm, which was about 50m from the bus. Then we were alone… So we grabbed our maps and started walking uphill zig zagging left and right, so far so good. However we came across some cross roads. Devon and Oscar thought that we were quite a bit higher up on the map, but me, Sam, Charlotte, Paige and Jamie all knew that we had to head up. We knew this because the way they wanted to go had a sign for Snowdon which is NOT where we wanted to go. We argued. Luckily Simon, our instructor, came to the rescue. Apparently, he could hear us from really high up (OOPS!) He told us that we as in (Jaime’s side) we’re right!!

Eventually we carried on moving up until we reach the BULCH which is two hills with a gap/dip running through the centre. We carried on past the bulch down a long path. We came across many mountain sheep, and a few were perched on the track, we attempted stroking them however the sheep ran away L

As we travelled down this really long continuous path we reached some house ruins. By this time it was around 12:30 so we agreed to sit and have lunch in the house. Afterwards we carried on with our trek. As we kept walking we found a bridge and crossed it. Next we kept walking a bit further and we knew we had to turn left yet we turned on the wrong left. Luckily we were only on the right side of the lake as we were supposed to be on the left. Soooooo we had to cross the lake by standing on rocks similar to stepping stones, like the gorge on Thursday. We got back on track after travelling through a small green of bogs(No-one fell in – luckily)

Then we kept moving towards the village. On the whole trip Alex spoke to a lot of people that we were walking by. Most of us asked the people passers the time as none of us had watches or phones. Next we entered the forest, we weren’t in there for long but it was fun, even though we didn’t know which way to go as there were many paths optional. We ended up reaching the end of the woods and finding Simon and Mr. White. They told us that we were only round the corner from the centre.

When we finally got back Simon said “We’re going abseiling”, however first we had to clean our boots and then hand in our whole kit without failure. Then we took off for the abseil rock. It was really fun said most of us. Also Oscar was currently scared of heights, however he temporarily got rid of this fear (I think) a great accomplishment. Also whilst at the rock there were some other people doing the same as us and as we got down from the rock we got to stroke their dog called OREO. He loved the attention.

For dinner we had either fish and chips or burger and chips, with mushy peas, but nobody on our table ate them. Next we went back to our rooms to pack as we had to leave early the next morning. After packing briefly we met back in the dining room for the OFFICIAL KMC QUIZ. The team ‘Barnacles and limpets’.

Then we met in the boys’ common room to get some certificates or significant funny, compliment or bad moments. After this we watched a slideshow of photos which some laughed at J Finally we finished watching ‘Happy Gilmore’.

I had a great time on this trip and I’m pretty sure most others did too!!!!

By Savannah Day