Snowflakes in the Gorge

As usual, we were woken up too early, and stumbled through a brilliant breakfast that most of us were probably too tired to appreciate to its full extent. After the glorious thing called food, we were told the numerous things we needed for the day’s activity (namely Gorge Walking).  There ensued a mad scramble for the necessary items (half of which were by then forgotten, but later, sorely missed). We were kitted out with a helmet, a buoyancy aid and a special harness which the group agreed on, looked like a giant yellow nappy, when worn.  We were then sent off to find a pair of wellington boots that was the right size and had both a left and a right boot, a task which, so far, probably came second only to getting up that morning, in difficulty.  The people who were deemed to annoying (namely Hermione and Arek) were sacrificed to the gods of the Welly-boot Room. They were kept prisoner until the sacrificial flame was prepared or until Miss Webster took pity upon them and let them out. Even after the long amount of time spent in the Welly-boot Room, some *cough* Ben *cough* Nathan *cough* still managed to come out with two boots of different kinds, luckily the unmatched boots did not impede their ability to walk.

During the long journey, which we were all dying because of the millions of layers we were instructed to wear, we were all treated yet again to Summers wonderful singing as she harassed Bramble to give her back her rock / During the long journey, we were all dying because of the millions of layers we were instructed to wear (or was it Summers singing?). When we arrived, we engaged in the most dangerous activity of the whole day. Crossing the road. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on who you ask), no one died.

We walked through Gorges (hence the name ‘Gorge Walking’) and drank some “clean” water, according to (horse phobic) Jez (he secretly poisoned it, I know it), from a miniature waterfall. The “water” from the poison-fall was described as ‘refreshing’, ‘pretty good’ and ‘wet’. After we drank the “water” we carried on up the gorge stumbling through stuff and slippery rocks, but we all made it (relatively) safely. Somewhere in this, we came to a bunch of rocks called the Elephant Bottom. We had to climb up the Elephant’s Bum and up its throat.

At the end of the stunning but terrible dangerous gorge we made it to the, finale event, the plunge pool. “Yay”. The plunge pool was a deep pool at the top of the gorge that we could jump into,  if we were brave and careful enough. The first person who was brave (or stupid enough) to jump in to the pool was Summer (our test dummy). Soon after, everyone was jumping of like penguins, one after the other. It took some persuasion to convince Martina to jump, but she soon caved under the (peer)pressure and risked it. “That’s cold!” The understatement of the century.

After everyone who wanted to jump, had jumped, we set of down a road to where we parked the bus. When we got to the bus we had to change out of our wet clothes (in the woods!), which was interesting (and cold). We soon were ready to get on the bus and drive home, at which point Summer decided once again to treat us with her wonderful singing voice but this time, Hermione thought she would also treat us and join in.  Through the day and week, at random intervals, Arek would sporadically spray (more like douse) everyone and everything in a 100 metre radius with his 007  ‘aftershave’ (perfume). Overall, it was an eventful day.

By Lauren