Friday, Cable Bay (Mike’s Group)

Helloooooooo… Ellie & Maddy here!

Today was our last day of activites so we decided to go ‘Sea Traversing’ at ‘Cable Bay’ which was on Anglessey. First of all we started walking on the beach, then we came across a tiny hole which MIKE MADE US ALL FIT IN (9 of us). After that we went up a wall, across the grass and through a cave! When we got to the bottom of the cave we walked across the rocks and had a look in the rock pools. We found red things that felt like jelly 🙂 Then we got told a very interesting fact about barnacles 😉 On our way back to the van for lunch we were discussing what we thought we were doing later on in the evening. We both thought that we would have fireworks so Ellie started shouting “fireworks…..fireworks” whilst running down a very muddy hill, because this is Ellie we are talking about she slipped, and fell straight on her BUM!!

After lunch we used ropes to get to one rock from another which was sehr gut, we had three go’s each… trying to flip over in mid air! (VERY HARD)

After trying and not succeding we moved to another rock where we had to crawl across the top and it was quite painful!

We then went back to the van and were first home(:


Hi Everyone… We just had fish and chips for dinner :)yummmm.
because its our last day the teachers have told us that we are going to do a fun night activity, but we still dont know what it is:\

This is Ellie&Maddy saying good bye for the last time (because we are going to pack our bags:)


You Know You Love Me xoxo Gossip Girl (Maddy&Ellie:)

Bye for the last time blog we love you, and KMC…BYEEEEE xxx

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