Friday, sea level traverse (Mr Alderson’s group)

Today was our last activity-filled day we where all extremely excited about finding out what we where supposed to be doing, when we where told in our daily morning meeting that we would be doing sea level traversing we were so unbelievable happy and no-one could wait!

It was about a 40 minute drive in the mini bus to the beach where we would be sea level traversing and the drive seemed to take forever so Elise and I (Lauren) decided to enlighten everyone with our amazing singing of ABBA songs!-I am not too sure everyone was too impressed to be honest! When we arrived we got into our waterproofs put our safety jackets on and strapped our harnesses on. We first followed Mr A to the side of the cliffs where we began to traverse along. It was so fun and everyone was enjoying themselves so far and even better know one had fallen in YET !! As we walked around the other side of the cliff we had to make a rather large leap also known to Lucy as the leap of faith! Toppo was the last person to make the jump and unfortunately timed his jumped just as a massive wave came crashing over the leaping rock. As the wave came crashing over Toppo was swept off his feet and thrown into the cold sea below, as he was pulled out by his dear friend Wellsey everyone else stood and did the only thing they knew how to do, LAUGH !! 🙂 🙂 🙂 !!

We then climbed through some tight gapes to get up to the cliff top and get back to the mini bus so we could eat lunch. After lunch we did some Tyrolean traversing it was great fun and it really showed who the brave people were, the braver ones out of us tried flips and fancy tricks like hanging upside down by our ankles it was so fun and extremely hilarious! Most people managed to do one flip but I managed to do 3 in a row 🙂 it was so exciting but it made us all very dizzy!!…

Afterwards we made our way back to the mini bus and then began our drive back to the centre for our last evening meal.

We had traditional fish and chips with mushy peas for pudding we had chocolate sponge and cream-I personally really enjoyed this (of course)!!

This evenings activities are still a surprise so we will have to wait another 15 minutes to find out what we will be doing.

Everyone had a great day and are now exhausted everyone is looking forward to going to bed!

See you tomorrow…xx

1 comment on Friday, sea level traverse (Mr Alderson’s group)

  1. We would very much like to say a BIG Thank You to all the staff that have made this trip possible..Lauren has called every night and has got happier as the week went on.
    We understand ALL the effort it takes to arrange these trips and are very grateful for the week of peace and not getting up @ 5am for swimming..
    Many Thanks..

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