Freezing water

Today was the second day of our trip and we were woken up at 7:00 by Ms. Webster. Some of us had a shower before breakfast while others were too cold and couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed. The options for breakfast were bacon, scrambled eggs and potato faces or pan au chocolat yogurt and fruit. After breakfast most people went into the common room to watch some interesting and exciting TV – Pablo on CBeebies. Although soon we had to meet our group *The Raindrops* in our designated area which is the staff room.
Our leader is called Simon and we have Mr. White as his assistant. In our group we have Savannah, Paige, Charlotte, Alex, Oscar, Devon and Sam. We were told what we would be doing and the clothes we had to wear. We were told to have a complete set of spare clothes, a towel and waterproof trousers as we might get wet near the end. When everyone was ready we met each other in the store shed to collect some snazzy gear to prevent death!
Once we had finished we got on the minibus for our 45-minute journey to the beach. On the bus we played games and Paige read a book. Soon we arrived at our destination and walked to the edge of the cliff, and started to put on the harnesses, while Simon set up the rope along the face of the cliff and Alex and Oscar put our lunch barrel somewhere safe. After travelling along the rock we encountered a gap that stretched over the water. We then all watched Simon set up the tiny zip line but to accomplish this he had to attempt a jump across the gap. This failed and resulted in him getting wet feet and legs. Everyone laughed and Mr. White got an action shot of the jump.
Next all of us had to go across the rope; however we had harnesses with carabiners attached to the line so it was less likely for us to get wet, even though some of us still did. Mr. White didn’t lift his legs high enough and got his feet and a patch on his bum bum wet. By now it was around lunch time and we were all really hungry so we climbed up towards where we left the food and enjoyed our packed lunch which contained a sandwich, which could either be cheese, tuna mayo or peanut butter, a penguin biscuits (which were mostly melted and someone read out the joke which started a trend and everyone joined in), a piece of fruit if you took one, a pack of raisins, our bottle of water or juice and a cake with a cherry on top. Mr White ate Paige’s cherry and when Savannah gave hers to Charlotte he threatened to push her off the cliff (which he didn’t!).

Whilst we ate our lunch Simon set up a bigger, higher and longer zip line for us to cross, this one wasn’t so close to the water so no one could fall in. Alex got on top of the rope and attempted to crawl across, however this didn’t work very well, Devon and Savannah tried to flip on top as well, but failed miserably. Simon created an obstacle course to follow on from the line. Once we reached the top of the cliff Simon quickly collected all of the rope and jingly bits that were used to support us on the faces of the cliff, we had to organise it all. We then got told to remove our harnesses for a surprise!
Simon led us down near the bottom of the rocks, to the edge of the water and we could jump off of the smallest ledge first if we wanted to, and afterwards if we wanted we could progress to a higher ledge. Alex, Jamie, Devon, and Mr. White chose not to participate in the jumps whereas everyone else was brave enough to have a BASH!
Simon asked who wanted to go first and Savannah bravely offered to take the first jump. After that everyone followed her lead. The water was absolutely freezing and our clothes got soaked! Even Sam who can’t swim had a go and was able to not drown. By this time we only had 20 minutes to get changed and in the bus.
We were then told to get changed behind a bush and the boys did the same on the other side of the bus. This was probably the most difficult part of the day! As our clothes were soaking wet and our hands were numb it was really hard to get into our spare clothes. Whilst we were getting ready a little boy with his mother, two dogs and a horse walked past when we were naked with only towels around us. Quickly we scrambled onto the bus dripping with salt water and messy hair! The ride home was really uncomfortable but in the end we had no regrets and could safely say that “it wasn’t us”. This was an inside joke involving: Alex, Paige, Savannah, Jamie and Charlotte. Basically the 3 girls (at the back) made up a game where they tap Alex on the back and pretended nothing happened. We found this really funny as he had no idea who it was. And Jamie distracted him as the taps continued. We convinced him that he needed a therapist however he claimed his mum took this position.
When we got back to the centre we had to dunk all the kit in cold water, this wasn’t good as our hands were cold, eventually dunking our own clothing and moving them to the dry room. We moved up to our dorms and were suddenly informed that a room inspection was going to happen in the next five minutes. We panicked! And then we cleaned our rooms as fast as possible.
We had dinner which was a choice of pizza or jacket potato and were both good and yummy. Sam started asking Savannah and Charlotte whether they knew who it was that was poking Alex on the bus, but they wouldn’t give in and said it was nobody lol. After dinner we chose who did the blog and here we are now, WOOOOOOO!

By Paige Austen & Savannah Day