Climbing our first ever ‘mahoosive’ mountain

After our scrumptious breakfast, we went back to our room to collect our equipment; we were then ready for the day. Our group leader (Mr Alderson) then called us all down and gathered us together so that we could get our walking boots on (that for me was very uncomfortable).
We were all very excited knowing that we would be going to a mountain to reach the peak. When we finally reached the destination, all of our faces dropped with fear as we saw the height of it. We were all thinking to ourselves that we were going to slip off as it looked so narrow! however, “Brave” boy Harvey was confident that we would all reach the summit.
We “quickly” started up the road which seemed as if it lasted forever. As we were halfway up the road, we stopped for a drink. Next thing we heard was a smash of Mason’s flask, carrying his favourite and only drink, tea… well done Mason!
Half of the time I was at the back, as I tried to use my hands and knees to crawl across the slate during the very narrow bits. The bit that scared me the most was where we climbed up the side of the first mountain and there was a massive drop right next to us leading to definite death. My legs could not stop shaking; I had never felt so alive! Luckily, I had my best mate Todd behind me to keep me going. Last time I felt scared like this was when I was in a plane with huge turbulence.
Travelling behind us were the four ‘mountaineers,’ Todd, Oli, Mason and Lucy; they then caught up to the rest of the group.
Lucy, Beth and Eliza volunteered to go right, near the edge of the path, and were very brave, because if they slipped, they would have gone for a nice swim in the lake!
We had all got to the summit of the mountain and were very cold, however, Oli Aitkin decided to take off his jacket as it was apparently annoying him.

By Harvey McIntyre and Mason Miller