Mountain Tryfan

Today we ventured up Tryfan, it wasn’t the biggest mountain we have been up but it was very frightening because of the sheer drops and rocky surfaces. Before we even started climbing Todd felt ill so we took the beginning slow. As we were half way up the first summit, we looked back to check on Todd and Mr Alderson, we saw Todd’s legs flip up to see him lying on the floor but he recovered quickly. We reached a point where it was necessary to use our hands and we started scrambling upwards with a few stumbles along the way.

After being deceived multiple times that we had reached the top, we stopped for lunch and regained our energy. Along the way we learnt to use the term ‘below’ if there were to be a loose rock to fall on the climber below. There were some challenging paths that we took to push ourselves like the big boulders with very few hand and foot holds, during these events we slowed down and were more cautious with our surroundings, we also had to check that the person behind us was ok so we could continue our route.

When we had finally reached the top, we were relieved, so we sat down by the Adam and Eve rocks and had a rest.

Just as we were on our way down, Ollie decided to follow Mason (not a good idea) and take a new route, as he thought he took the best shortcut… he stacked down a steep piece of rock resulting in laughter around the group and a few small bruises.

Everyone had a few stumbles on the descent but Harvey decided to have a little tumble himself! When we came out of the rocky area and onto the uneven stone pathway downhill Harvey decided to jump off one of the rocks not knowing, that in a few seconds, he would be running down the hill uncontrollably, he managed to stop himself by falling to the ground.

As the tiny minibus came into view, we came across muddy pathways, it started to become slippery and the squelching became frequent. As Mason was complaining about having to climb the next day too, he slipped on the mud and fell on his back, not causing himself any pain physically, but more upset about ruining his jumper! Mason seemed to do this frequently, but every time he managed to return to his feet we noticed that his joggers were gradually falling down! Luckily we had finished scampering down the mountain and his pride was to remain intact!

On the way home everyone was filled with exhaustion and most snoozed all the way back to KMC.

By: Izzy brown and Lucy Hickmott