Author: LSrivalsanJones104

Another day on Snowdon

Hello, this is Lara Srivalsan Jones and Alice Rawson, here to tell you about our day on the highest mountain in England and Wales, Snowdon. The day began with another daily meeting with our leaders Mike and Keith, and our group us, Poppy, Lauren, Charlotte, Jack, Sam, Robert and Tom. We planned the route up Snowdon, and got our stuff together. We then set off in the mini bus. We arrived at our destination after about a 15 minute drive. After a quick briefing about equipment safety measures we started the long trek up, at first a simple flat walk around the lake, where we took it in turns to lead the group with a map, in little groups, all with group names. Our group consisted of us and tom and according to Tom our name was and still is Alpha Tom. Little did we know what was coming up ahead. The mountains surrounding us were so stunning that we had many stops, one by some old ruins, where we stopped for a snack and a hot drink. From this spot we got our first clear view of the enormous task ahead of us.

We then started the steep incline up Snowdon, which soon turned into a scramble up the rocks. Every now and again we got a glimpse of the other groups on their ascent of the mountain. After another hour or so scrambling up the rocks, quick breaks and walking up giant steps we eventually reached the top of the mountain (1083 feet above sea level) where we all congratulated or achievement together.

From the top we were completely surrounded by clouds, so could not see the bottom, and got very wet! We then stopped for lunch and a drink (not many people can say they’ve had lunch on the highest mountain in England and Wales!). It was freezing, but the views (or of what we could see) made up for the temperature and mist.

After lunch, and pictures, we then started the long descent down the mountain. Thankfully we didn’t go down the steep and difficult route we came up on. Instead we took a long, wet and winding path which followed the railway down the mountain. The path was also wet and slippery there so, there was lots of slips and wet and muddy bums! The views were spectacular from so high up. The group stayed together except for a few wanderers and stragglers that we had to keep waiting for! Exhausted and aching everywhere we all finally arrived at the minibus and headed back to the centre where we were very glad of a warm shower and rest! In total the walk took us about 5 hours and was an amazing day out! It was such an amazing, if a bit tiring day and it was such an incredible achievement for us all and it’s definitely a day we will all never forget!!