Author: Mr Alderson

Lots of rock and cold water

Here is our Friday blog of snowflakes, where we went sea-traversing. We started off by jumping in the German whip and scooting off to the coast. On the way we went through the village with the second longest place name in the world, I don’t know how to spell it so I’m not even going to try. Libby, being her normal self decides to listen to Mr Alderson and make a song from two words, busy road, to the tune of chitty chitty bang bang. We then arrived at the proper steep clifftop, as we were waiting for our instructor, we ate our lunch but everyone was excited because we had FULL SIZED MILKY WAY BARSSSSSS! As soon as Jez arrived we headed down to the water. Obviously, Mabel was the first to fall in. Our fun fact that we found out is that a barnacle’s penis is 20 to 30 times its body height and that limpets’ teeth are the hardest substance known to man. After about two hours of climbing across the cliffs we came across a challenge where we had to clip our harness to a rope and pull ourselves across a 20-metre drop, but half way across we were told to swing to get on top and shuffle to the end but only Joe and Dom M manged to do it. We then went to the edge and some of us jumped in, Joe did a front flip and Dom P did a dab. We went to get changed into dry clothes but there was nowhere to go so joe decided to get changed in a thorn bush but to be fair he didn’t realise.
In the evening our activity was a quiz about general knowledge, Welsh culture, sport, music and geography. Keira and Megan’s team won by one point in front of Joe’s team.
thanks for reading!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

By Joe Sykes and Dominic Pook

Last Day of the Trip

Today, Breakfast was sausages, beans and potato smiley faces. Once we had finished our breakfast, we went to the common room and then we were sent to our meeting room. Mary told us the plan for the day and then we were given 20 minutes to get all of the equipment that we needed for our walk and we met in the courtyard ready to set off.

We parked in a car park near a lake and then set off uphill to the peak. We were left to walk without an adult to develop our independence as a team and Mary ran up the other side of the mountain to meet us at the top. The first stop we came across was the boulder throne and we stopped for a quick ‘Snackette’. Then we continued making our way up to the next stop which was the remains/ruins of a stone house.

Once we made it to the house, we were not far from the top. We walked the remaining bit to get to the top, but not quite the peak. A notable moment at this point was when Adam and Jacob found a large rock and re-enacted ‘The Circle of Life’. We then got out our shelter (just for fun) and waited inside for Mrs Webster and Mary. On Mary’s arrival we stopped to eat our sandwiches and then Mary lead us to the actual peak of the mountain. At the peak, we looked out over the village of Beddgelert and admired the beautiful view of the mountains. Then we made our way back down the other side.

On the way down, we came across an old copper mine. Mary showed us how to use a rock as an anvil and whack to rocks together to try and discover Fools Gold. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any actual pieces of Fools Gold, only what looked like glitter. Once we had finished our ‘treasure hunt’ we carried on down the mountain. We also came across a memorial bench. Underneath the bench, was a small notepad, pen and a bottle of alcohol. We left some messages in the notebook. Then we came across a rocky path that was quite slippy, but everybody made it across in one piece.

After a while of walking, we made it to the flat land next to a river and continued walking to where Mary had moved the minibus to and we had a quick toilet break in the public toilets. Mary then showed us a map that was on the wall and explained to us the next route that we would take without adult supervision. We set off and our first place to walk next to was a gorge.

Later on, after we had met up with Mary once again, we visited Beddgelert (Gelert’s grave). Mary told us the story of Gelert and then we went to see the statue of Gelert. We then visited the grave where he was buried and then continued towards the village.

In the village, we were given 30 minutes to go into different shops. There was very nice and unique art shop and as a team we all decided to buy Mary a thankyou card. Then in the fudge shop (WHICH WAS OUT OF FUDGE!!) we got her a ‘four wheel drive’- Mary’s name for sheep, chocolate. Meanwhile, Mary ordered a strawberry and raspberry smoothie. The man in the shop accidentally made far too much smoothie and so he gave them about 4 cups of it for free. So on the minibus home after a great day, we had a smoothie 1 between 2 with straws and they were absolutely delicious.

Once we made it back to the centre, Mary opened her card and thanked us for a great week and we did the same back. We then went into the stores and returned all of our equipment and handed in our KMC bags etc. Then we emptied our lunchboxes for the last time. Tonight, Rachael, Beth, Aenea, Charlotte and Lola were on duty and had to wash up, serve and clean up after dinner. Then we were all sent to go and pack everything away in our suitcases ready for tomorrow’s departure.

Once we had finished packing, we were sent to get a pen and a notebook and we gathered in the dining room for a KMC Quiz. It was very fun and it consisted of questions about subjects such as sport, welsh culture, general knowledge etc.

Since it was our last night in the centre, we were all gathered in the common room and each teacher would give out certificates to the people in their group in an award ceremony way. Then Mr Alderson showed us a slideshow of images of the week and we all laughed an remembered all the fun memories we had created. After that, we finished watching the film ‘Happy Gilmore’ and then later than usual, we were sent up to bed.

By Aenea Goult

Snowdon proper massive mountain

We went climbing in a Halloween climbing place. A nun came and put neon paint on all of our faces. There were many tall climbing walls in the Centre. It was very fun. The neon nun was very scary and he tried to take my shoes. There was a wide variety between the different climbing walls. We tried a lot of different types of climbing walls these ranged from ones that straight up to ones that went out like a ledge. One of the Dom’s reached the top of the hardest wall we did and the other Dom didn’t, Mollie got to the top, Liam got halfway, Libby fell many times as she is such a noob skin.

We wake up in the morning to an announced that breakfast had been postponed by 10 minutes and that there was a room inspection. So we all hurried the frick up and got changed. We were informed by Mr Alderson that we were climbing mount Snowdon today. We all were very excited as it is the biggest mountain in Wales and England and that we were the first group to climb it. We all piled into the German whip and set of for Snowdon, we pulled up to the car park to find it was full, luckily Bob and Jez came to our rescue and save the whip from a parking ticket. We all set off headed to the top of Snowdon. As we continued to climb the wind picked up and the hill got steeper. As we got to the part where we will have to climb over the rocks the pace slowed down as we were nearing the summit of Snowdon.

When we went back down we saw all the default skins going up the easiest route and we laughed at them. As we neared the bottom of Snowdon we saw the minibus pull up to take us back to the centre. The group went to do problem solving and Libby yeeted herself of a tight rope.

By Dominic Morton and Dominic Pook

A day of Clumsiness

The story begins on Wednesday evening in the courtyard for Jacob and the store cupboard for me. We were on opposing teams with different activities, one we had to get a ball out of a pipe using only water but PLOT TWIST the pipe has holes in it and we had to work together to block the holes and get the ball out, getting completely drenched in the process, at one point (in Jacobs group) every one let go of the holes and left Mabel  hugging the pipe. The second activity we had to create certain shapes out of rope but PLOT TWIST (again) we were blind folded. At the end everyone was up against each other, in this game we had to get from one side to the other using tiles of carpets but PLOT TWIST(ok that’s the last one) if a tile was left unattended The swamp monster (Miss Webster and Keith) would take them and decrease our number of tiles to use, in Jacobs group Alex almost lost the entire game by picking up tiles at the end instead of going straight over the line and also blocking himself (thanks to Mr Swamp Monster) away from the end.

The next day the hailstones (the best group) went on a 45-minute drive to the coast. We started with a bit of rock climbing. clambering over a wall, me with the speed of a seal with crutches and Jacob going the speed of a gorilla on steroids (that’s fast). On the other side of the magical wall, we walked down a special path. At the end of the special path, was a small rock face. This was a challenge. We paired up and had to direct each other as were to put our hands and feet, with multiple “power slides” (slips).  Moving swiftly on we went around rocky rock pools and had a break shortly after. To get to the top of the cliff we had to go through the claustrophobic cave of claustrophobia (try saying that three times fast). At the top of the cliff, we went back to the van for a spot of lunch. After lunch, we walked down another special path (this is another special path but this one is not so special) and arrived to find Mary (Our instructor) on an island with ropes between the island and our path area. We had to get to the island using harnesses and the rope. We were taught how to do a backflip (sort of) on the rope. Getting to the other side was fun yet hard and only Jacob and Aenea did the backflip. We then had a gander through the rocks. During our little gander, Jacob managed to lose his shoe down a little cavern, but fear not for I, Adam, managed to save the shoe (shoe saver, I am considering putting an advert in the paper for shoe saving). The day was coming to a close and we got to jump into the sea, I did a cannonball and Jacob persuaded Mary to let us dive in. The day had ended, and Rachael had managed to slip only twice, a record, and now we’re in the lecture room writing about our day.

By  Jacob Hyland & Adam Marshall

Hailstones vs The Three Very Windy Mountains

Last night, we did some outdoor problem-solving activities. The most notable moment was probably when Joe swung on the rope with a full bucket of water and got drenched. It was extremely funny. Some people went to the climbing centre, it was fun but also challenging.

This morning, Hailstones reached 3 mountain peaks. We took the minibus to the bottom of the first path. Then we slowly made our way up to the bottom of the first mountain (Carnedd y Filiast). Once we made it to the peak, we sat down and ate our lunch in a stone shelter. As we continued, it was downhill to the next mountain (Mynydd Perfedd). There were very harsh gusts of wind. Mary was worried that Jacob would fly away so Chris had to hold him down. Aiming to reach the second peak, we scrambled up some steep rocks, almost slipping on the frost. We made it up to the second peak with thankfully not too many slip ups (unlike Rachael yesterday). The climb up to the third peak was quite challenging for some of us. At one point, as we were walking across a very narrow ridge, the gusts were so strong that we were almost thrown down the cliff. It was very exhilarating and quite scary. We all had really great attitudes and tried our best to help each other and work as a team. On the final climb to the third peak (Elidir Fawr), the rocks were quite wobbly and slippy. Beth was walking across two rocks and all of sudden she was laying on her stomach with her head in between them. About two metres from the top, Chris was excited and happy to have made it to the peak. He seemed to have forgotten that he had a big rucksack on and accidentally barged Rachael out of the way and she fell into the rocks. When we had all made it into the stone shelter on top of the final peak, Mrs Webster decided it would be a great time for a photo and stood on the top edge of the shelter. We were worried that if the wind blew hard enough, she would be knocked off of her feet and thrown down the steep side of the mountain.

Filled with pride to have accomplished our goals for the day, we began the journey back down to the minibus. We had to take baby steps as it was very steep and also quite slippy. We stayed tight as a group to prevent anyone falling down and severely hurting themselves. Luckily, nobody was hurt. However, on our zigzag route down the mountain edge, Beth’s feet began to slide and she fell down, rolled over a rock and then slid down the mountain path until she was finally caught by Liam. It was very funny and Beth was not hurt. A few times down the mountain, Rachael also slipped. Once we were off the main area of rocks and onto the grass, the ground became very steep and we have to move extra carefully. Adam decided it would be best to grip onto Rachael’s bag and attempt to pull her up when she kept slipping over. We also all took it in turns to use the mountain stick that Mary had in her bag. Slowly but surely, we made it down the steepest part of the mountain and onto the much less steep part of the journey down. As we kept making our way down, we found a rock that as you stood on it, it flipped and the person stood on it plummeted into a hole. Aenea was the first to discover it. Eventually we made it back to the minibus and we drove to The Centre. On our return, we returned all of our kit and cleaned out our lunch boxes. Dinner was either Bolognaise or Macaroni. Dessert was either Angel Delight or Sticky Toffee Pudding.

Slip counters:
Rachael Slip Counter: 23 slips
Best slip of the day: Beth sliding down the mountain

Best Parts:
Reaching the final peak
Scrambling up the rocks
Working together and supporting one another

Worst Parts:
The rain at the beginning

The three mountains we climbed:
Carnedd y Filiast
Mynydd Perfedd
Elidir Fawr

By Rachael Lewis and Aenea Goult

Wet Wellies

Last evening me and some other snowflakes did problem solving such as bomb disposal (whereDom M jumped on the bomb which wasn’t smart) and getting a bucket from place to place by swinging on a rope.

Today we went to a gorge (lots and lots of waterfalls). On the way we stopped off at an abandoned lead mine (safe) to walk up a hill and lots of steps which hurt our legs as we were very tired from 2 days of mountain climbing. At the top of the steps we realised sir left the ropes at the bottom so Dom Pook and Joe went back down to get them and walked all the way back up. After climbing a little more we came to a couple trees at the top of a 20 metre cliff and abseiled down. We all enjoyed it.

Once at the bottom we had some lunch as there would be no lunch break at the gorge.  We ate our lunch of cookies, Mini Cheddars and rolls with various fillings. After, we kitted up into our waterproof jackets, buoyancy aids and helmets so we wouldn’t need to spend time getting ready at the gorge. then we hopped in our Merc and drove to the gorge.

Once at the gorge car park we walked up a short hill and heard a faint sound of running water. we saw waterfalls and rocks and prepared to get wet. we walked across a few rocks and sir told us to watch him scale a wall above some kinda deep water. we tried it and it was difficult as there was not many places to put your feet. we all came away dry but not for long as Dom M (otherwise known as little t, irrelevant and Tyrone, to avoid confusion with fellow snowflake Dom Pook) got his lower half wet when stepping between 2 close rocks and sliding down the small gap between them.

A few small waterfalls up we came to a slightly larger waterfall where we had to be lowered down beside it by sir. a couple more slips and slides and we came to a small natural water slide made of rock which was fun. most of us were quite dry up until that point. we emptied out our heavy wet wellies and marched on.

Ws we went up we encountered  an elephant’s bum (two large boulders which we had to crawl through a gap between them), we walked on a waterfall where you couldn’t see where you were putting your feet through the white water which was cool, we climbed over a big rock and slid down into deep-ish water and out through a hole, we went down a larger and bumpier water slide and ( finally ) jumped into a deep pool of water which was freezing but awesome. some dabbed and some super-manned as they jumped.

We walked in our swimming-pool-like wellies down a steep hill where mabel tripped over repeatedly and I (without my glasses) mistook a house for a lake???

Finally, we arrived back at our fresh whip and got our spare clothes from the boot, we changed in a not-very-dense-forest where some pervy cows could definitely see us. we finished whatever lunch we had left as we drove home. as we drove libby introduced us to her baby (a mermaid made of wet clothes) it wore a dress (libby’s snood) which really brought out her curves.

We came home to a dinner of macaroni cheese and syrup sponge for pudding. Then we did our evening activities.

au revoir, bros.

By Annabel Sunshine

Moel Hebog

Woohoo. Hallowe’en. Brilliant. Such a useful holiday. We’re all wearing werewolf masks as we write this.
And now I’ve got the Hallowe’en stuff out of the way…
Last night Sam was on the climbing wall as Jacob Hyland was accidentally pulled up by a much heavier Sam and I was doing problem-solving again in evening activities where my group was victorious in both lassoing a ‘bomb’ and moving seven people and a bucket full of water across two raised platforms with nothing but a rope. And after that we had lots of fun (read: I had lots of fun) when half the group was blindfolded and the other half had to lead them through trees.
After that point we all went into the common room to watch War Of The Worlds. I left fairly early and tried to sleep, but rest assured, my roommates kept me awake and updated when they came back.
This morning I woke up at God knows when and had to help lay the tables for breakfast and hand out eggy bread, sausages and spaghetti hoops. Everyone watched Ben and Holly’s Magic Kingdom/Peppa Pig for a bit (a unanimous decision, clearly) before we went to our various meeting places to find out about the day’s activities.
Our group was… overjoyed… to find that we would be expected on Friday to complete a walk all on our own with no instructors, just a map. Simon claimed this was to teach us teamwork; he is lying. He simply wants a lie-in.
Our walk today started in a village I can neither spell nor pronounce (I suspect the Welsh language was made up whilst someone was drunk) and passed over three miniature railways towards the hill of Moel Hebog. Almost everyone was tired and lost after ten minutes so Simon decided to show no mercy and make us walk at least another twenty minutes before we stopped. It was during this stop that Mr White treated us to his Harry Potter reviews and asked us about dreams jobs and families (Mr White’s family actually owns the American President’s house).
After an incredibly windy and slippy climb up to the top (if you see any random bloodstains on Welsh mountains, now you know why) we embarked on an even slippier and windier climb to the bottom where six of us fell over. The two adults were no help; “No, no, no, we’re not helping you get back, you need to learn navigation and decision-making.”
Over the course of our return journey, we found a wood and argued constantly over which way to go. How many times did we need to go right? Two. How many times did we actually go right? Three. How many times did Alex Mundy threaten to ‘become adventurous’ and go off on his own? God only knows. How many times did Devon complain he needed to poo? See above. Not that I like to argue with people who sing whilst peeing in the middle of woods, but…
We managed to get back eventually and didn’t do much until tea when we all had either Macaroni and Cheese or Pasta Bolognese. Which did I have, I pretend to hear you ask? Both. I couldn’t just let two meals go to waste, now could I?
And that is how we got to now, give or take one or two vital bits. And now if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to go and try to convince Mr Alderson that he promised us a reward for doing this.

By Jamie Raven and Sam Eapen

Bog Attack

Hello and welcome to our amazing blog. Today was full of eventful and funny moments, which we would like to share with you.

Starting off the day expecting to wake up at 6:50 am, Libby’s alarm clock was the wake up call for all the girls. Ms Webster poked her head through Keira and Libby’s dorm to wake us up as the alarm clock wasn’t set!! This morning we all went into the common room to watch some exciting milkshake shows, at 8.00 the time everyone had been waiting for was BREAKFAST!!!!. We had Bacon, scrambled egg and potato smiley faces 🙂 🙂 It was around 9.00 when all the groups were called into their meeting rooms for a daily plan of the day. Snowflakes were told that today we were visiting 2 summits Glyder Fawr and Gylder Fach.

We got our mercedes ( fresh whip ) waiting for keith ( my g ) to come and drive us to our located area. Sadly Keith did not turn up! We were sat for 10 minutes expecting him to take us.Nevertheless Mr Alderson went to find Keith and found out he drove of with another group ( rude ). Mr Alderson drove our van up to the windy carpark which we came across Keith, He took our merc and drove it to our ending point.

We set off at 10.15 ( the exact same time as yesterday ) to climb a rocky-ish hill. We all thought that we were climbing a huge mountain however we got to the top and saw a huge huge mountain towering over us. Mr Alderson stopped us all to reveal we had a little challenge which was to lead and discover a safe but exciting route. Mabel lead the Snowflakes down a boggy-ish pathway to a red dot. The red dots showed us a route which would help us reach the first summit Glyder Fawr. Then Keira took over up some rocks which we all remember hurt and ached our body’s!. We all were at the point where Joe was about to take over when we realised we had lost Tyrone ( Lil T aka Dom M ) .

Joe Lead the group up a S shaped path which confused most of the group and made most of us moan as we were in pain. It had many steep moments but some easy-ish moments and great views. We eventually thought that we were at the top again but believe it or not there was another massive mountain that we had to climb. We had lost Tyrone again who was caught up by two fellow walkers which greeted him.

At around 2 hours worth of walking we reached the top of the first summit where we ate our lunch. We had Penguin Bars!!!!! Unluckily Mabel dropped hers in the snow lol! Libby started complaining saying she was cold even though she had 6 layers on.

We walked across the top of Gylder Fawr to find snow! we were all so surprised and excited!!!!!! Mr Alderson walked on whilst we all had a snowball fight, Mabel and Joe started eating it! ( it was really refreshing as annabel kept saying ) We carried on walking up to find what we thought was a lord of the rings scene but turned about to be our second summit Glyder Fach.

Walking across away from Fach we were heading towards cantilever a rock Mr Alderson claimed that it was so scary which freaked Libby out! We got some photos which looked very cool when we saw them.

As we came of the Cantilever we faced a lot of rocks we had to pass to reach flatter land.We found this very tiring but adventurous, we all saw some muddy grass which we thought would be fun to explore and walk through. Eventually it ended in disaster Mabel fell in and moments Megan tripped and almost went face first into the bogs. At this point we had lost Dom P to so we all waited for him, in result to this we lost Sir. We carried on walking over the grassy bogs to find a corner where Mr Alderson was eating his pickle and cheese roll!

After our little rest we all got up to walk down a big hill which was rocky and very scary. We came across a waterfall which looked very fascinating.

We got to the bottom of the mountain where we found a load of bogs. We all thought it would be safe to walk through the bogs but no. Firstly Mabel falls straight through a bog which went up to her knees she was drenched. Next up Keira thought it was a shallow bog she walked through it and fell once again. After warning everyone it was full of bogs Megan walked into the same deep dirty bog Keira fell into. Megan fell so far into it Joe had to help her out but Joe being the nice person he is thought he pulled Megan out but he flipped her over into another Bog! Finally she got out and we carried on our adventure. We went over a bridge where Libby thought she was going to fall into the river below.

After Many hours of walking ( around 25,000 steps according to Mabel’s Fitbit ) we reached our mercedes! We were Very dirty cold and wet. Mr Alderson took a photo of Keira Mabel and Megan’s dirty boots and joggers.

We got back safe and sound too see all the other groups soaked from there activities.

Thank you for reading our blog and we hope your having a good day.

By Megan Enright and Keira Hulks

Cold gorge Afon Ddu

We started out by eating breakfast at 7.45 were there were option of bacon,smiley fries, scrambled eggs, pain au chocolat and a selection of cereals we then headed into the common room for a meeting with our team instructor,mary, who told us what we should pack and wear. we assembled in the courtyard to collect our wellington boots, helmets, belt and life jacket.
we got in to the mini van and left at around 10.10 the journey took around 45 minutes. we stopped near the beginning of the gorge and dismounted the mini van and tried on our: belt,helmet and life jacket. before we entered the gorge we had a small safety briefing that covered the basics of gorge climbing we were told that the gorge was a SSSI (special site of scientific interest) this basically meant that there are some area were rare plant and species were thriving so therefore we were not permitted the enter these areas.

Our instructor lead us through the gorge which was wet, slippery and rocky. The rocks in the gorge were greasey with the slime that was transported from the top of gorge.Our instructor told us exactly were to go and were to not go because you will slip into the water which was very cold. Near the beginning our instructor toke us through the “elephants bottom” which were two boulders that were jammed together at there tops. We had to crawl through the hole between the boulders (that was very small) and we had to shimmy through and exit out the other side of the boulders through the opening at the top. We then stopped 10 minutes later for a short lunch break and continued up the gorge until our instructor told us to drink out of a very small waterfall which had pure water. We continued on. She then stopped us again and told us to eat little things that looked like four leafed clovers but when you grind them up in your teeth the taste like the the skin of Granny smith apples.

When we were nearing the end of the gorge we were told that we were to pair up and clip on to the rope that our instructor knotted up. One person went in front and one went at the back and when the rope had straightened in the direction of our instructor ( who was waiting at the top of the waterfall). We then had to hold the ropes for the others whilst they climbed up to join us. Right at the end of the gorge we were given the opportunity to jump into the plunge pool which engulfed you completely and was very cold.

When we exited the gorge the boys had to walk into the forest and take off our wet things and put on our dry things that we kept in the mini van and we returned to the centre and ate dinner.

By Liam Cowdery and Christopher Plichta

Freezing water

Today was the second day of our trip and we were woken up at 7:00 by Ms. Webster. Some of us had a shower before breakfast while others were too cold and couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed. The options for breakfast were bacon, scrambled eggs and potato faces or pan au chocolat yogurt and fruit. After breakfast most people went into the common room to watch some interesting and exciting TV – Pablo on CBeebies. Although soon we had to meet our group *The Raindrops* in our designated area which is the staff room.
Our leader is called Simon and we have Mr. White as his assistant. In our group we have Savannah, Paige, Charlotte, Alex, Oscar, Devon and Sam. We were told what we would be doing and the clothes we had to wear. We were told to have a complete set of spare clothes, a towel and waterproof trousers as we might get wet near the end. When everyone was ready we met each other in the store shed to collect some snazzy gear to prevent death!
Once we had finished we got on the minibus for our 45-minute journey to the beach. On the bus we played games and Paige read a book. Soon we arrived at our destination and walked to the edge of the cliff, and started to put on the harnesses, while Simon set up the rope along the face of the cliff and Alex and Oscar put our lunch barrel somewhere safe. After travelling along the rock we encountered a gap that stretched over the water. We then all watched Simon set up the tiny zip line but to accomplish this he had to attempt a jump across the gap. This failed and resulted in him getting wet feet and legs. Everyone laughed and Mr. White got an action shot of the jump.
Next all of us had to go across the rope; however we had harnesses with carabiners attached to the line so it was less likely for us to get wet, even though some of us still did. Mr. White didn’t lift his legs high enough and got his feet and a patch on his bum bum wet. By now it was around lunch time and we were all really hungry so we climbed up towards where we left the food and enjoyed our packed lunch which contained a sandwich, which could either be cheese, tuna mayo or peanut butter, a penguin biscuits (which were mostly melted and someone read out the joke which started a trend and everyone joined in), a piece of fruit if you took one, a pack of raisins, our bottle of water or juice and a cake with a cherry on top. Mr White ate Paige’s cherry and when Savannah gave hers to Charlotte he threatened to push her off the cliff (which he didn’t!).

Whilst we ate our lunch Simon set up a bigger, higher and longer zip line for us to cross, this one wasn’t so close to the water so no one could fall in. Alex got on top of the rope and attempted to crawl across, however this didn’t work very well, Devon and Savannah tried to flip on top as well, but failed miserably. Simon created an obstacle course to follow on from the line. Once we reached the top of the cliff Simon quickly collected all of the rope and jingly bits that were used to support us on the faces of the cliff, we had to organise it all. We then got told to remove our harnesses for a surprise!
Simon led us down near the bottom of the rocks, to the edge of the water and we could jump off of the smallest ledge first if we wanted to, and afterwards if we wanted we could progress to a higher ledge. Alex, Jamie, Devon, and Mr. White chose not to participate in the jumps whereas everyone else was brave enough to have a BASH!
Simon asked who wanted to go first and Savannah bravely offered to take the first jump. After that everyone followed her lead. The water was absolutely freezing and our clothes got soaked! Even Sam who can’t swim had a go and was able to not drown. By this time we only had 20 minutes to get changed and in the bus.
We were then told to get changed behind a bush and the boys did the same on the other side of the bus. This was probably the most difficult part of the day! As our clothes were soaking wet and our hands were numb it was really hard to get into our spare clothes. Whilst we were getting ready a little boy with his mother, two dogs and a horse walked past when we were naked with only towels around us. Quickly we scrambled onto the bus dripping with salt water and messy hair! The ride home was really uncomfortable but in the end we had no regrets and could safely say that “it wasn’t us”. This was an inside joke involving: Alex, Paige, Savannah, Jamie and Charlotte. Basically the 3 girls (at the back) made up a game where they tap Alex on the back and pretended nothing happened. We found this really funny as he had no idea who it was. And Jamie distracted him as the taps continued. We convinced him that he needed a therapist however he claimed his mum took this position.
When we got back to the centre we had to dunk all the kit in cold water, this wasn’t good as our hands were cold, eventually dunking our own clothing and moving them to the dry room. We moved up to our dorms and were suddenly informed that a room inspection was going to happen in the next five minutes. We panicked! And then we cleaned our rooms as fast as possible.
We had dinner which was a choice of pizza or jacket potato and were both good and yummy. Sam started asking Savannah and Charlotte whether they knew who it was that was poking Alex on the bus, but they wouldn’t give in and said it was nobody lol. After dinner we chose who did the blog and here we are now, WOOOOOOO!

By Paige Austen & Savannah Day

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