Tag: Mountain Walk

Louise’s Group on Crimpiau – Friday

Hi my name is Kaan. I am writing our last day in Wales, we went to Mount Crimpiau (Crinkly mountain) and we Abseiled down a rocky slope. We started our journey with a 20 minute bus drive, to keep ourselves entertained we all sang our songs sometimes songs that were not necessarily amazing but when we got there we were all in high spirits. When we got there we climbed the first part without many interruptions or delays but then we started walking in marshland and bogs that was when it all started to go wrong. Most of the way the path was full of mud and little ponds with more mud. We was half way through the muddy path but then there was a person crying for help (“THE MUD HAS EATEN MY FOOT!!!” was the cry), as we all went back to see who it was we found Martin waist deep in the boggy mud. Half of us spent a little time trying to pull him out as the other half was taking pictures and laughing. Soon enough we started scrambling and walking up the mountain, having a little lunch break in between our journey to get to the top of Mount Crinkly. Later on we found out there was more muddy paths we had to go through, but we got through those paths easily and we were at the top of the mountain.

We made our journey back down pretty easily, and then our instructor set us a task leaving us just a map to help us to get to a bridge by ourselves. We had done pretty well on that, taking our time to get to the bridge. After that we had one last task to do, we went abseiling down a short cliff which everyone found was fun. The bus journey back was another 20 minutes before we all got back, sodden, mucky but cheerful.

We had out last dinner at the Kent Mountain Centre, after that we had certificates given out and had a quiz at the end of the night.

My time at the Kent Mountain Centre has been a great experience and an enjoyable time, and I would recommend to come on this trip.

One step from death….

Hello It’s Poppy Greenstreet & Lauren Rigney, 😀

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Today was our first day in Wales and also the day we nearly died!:O

Once out of the minibus we walked through a muddy field and saw the grave of Bedwellin & learnt the story of his brutal stabbing, leading to his death.(He was a dog not a dude) We then saw his statue made out of bronze. He was the size of a horse and we were told he was actually that size!

Next we walked through the grass & came across a train track. We didn’t know if it was a live rail or not, so we got Robert to test it out(sorry!!;)) Luckily, he didn’t die, meaning it was safe to cross:D Then our leader gave our a map (Poppy,Lauren&Charlotte). Silly idea if u ask us, but we made it through the ledge next to what we called the ‘Death Water’! We were told that if we fell we probably wouldn’t survive, as it was a strong current for grade 5 canooers that if they took one turn probably would drown!!!!!

Next we stopped for lunch, and told stories about Halloween and zombies, but soon after that we climbed a steep slope. We moaned the whole way up about how steep it was and how much our legs hurt, but once we got to the top we realised it was almost flat. We kept asking if we could drink the water but the leader told us you can only drink it at the top. This was our inspiration for getting to the top, we wanted to taste victory like Bear Grills!:D

The way up, was like torture! ‘Only 2/3 of the journey to go’ said ‘mister Sir Man’(As we call him ;D) at this point Me&Lauren were in tears& wanted to give up, but we thought of the water to put our minds off things. Our leader showed us an old gold mine, and in the rocks we could discover fools gold, which is fake but people used to trade it for money. Only Sam found a little, but it was worthless (Typical!) This is when Lauren let go of the map and the wind took it resulting in it flying to bottom of the mountain, slapping someone round the face, we were in hysterics!!!! 😀

When we stopped for the second time we got a perfect view of the Irish sea. There was a waterfall right next to us but we couldn’t drink from it because we were told there was sheep poo. in it- eww! Next we got told a story about the two dragons and our leader’s sound effects made me and poppy laugh so much that we felt a 6-pack coming on. I choked on my roll and thought I might die. The sound was something like this (ee-wee-wooo-ee-wooo-wee) LOL!

After, we finally reached the top through hard work and team effort! Our leader read us a story about the mountain opposite where the king built his palace. We were told we wouldn’t be able to drink water from the mountain today and felt heartbroken.

When we got halfway down we finally found water we could drink and were SO HAPPY! We ran to the water and filled up our bottles, we tasted the victory in the ice cold valley water. Robert ran to get his water and tripped over, spilling his coffee all in the valley water. We asked him if he was okay and got the reply ‘I’m fine, just casually sitting here chilling. OH NO MY COFFEE!’. He was okay.

When we got to the bottom, although our feet were aching and numb we felt proud of ourselves. Today was definitely better than going trick or treating. We don’t want to climb another mountain, but we’ve just been told it is one of the smallest mountains and tomorrow we have to climb Mount Snowdon… Wish us luck!

Wednesday, Snowdon (Mr. Alderson’s group)

Today was our highest mountain climb. We took a path called the Pyg on the way up which was named after the closest building to the bottom of the path, who’s initials were p.y.g. Mount Snowdon is 1085M tall, the highest mountain in England and Wales. Ten minutes into our ascent we were forced to stop to put on our water proof clothing because the rain started straight away, not scheduled until after lunch. We were faced by many waterfalls during our trip created by the rainfall. We had to step over the water falls, which were very slippery. Some people had a drink from the fast flowing waterfalls. When we were near the summit we found a finger stone ( a large post marking junction in the path) with lots of coins (mostly Pennines) stuck in it. When we past this it was about 20 minutes from the summit and we had a very windy journey up the last leg to the summit.

Mr Alderson's group at the summit of Snowdon
Mr Alderson's group at the summit of Snowdon

When we got to the summit we saw one of the Snowdon mountain railway trains. As you can see in the picture of the summit we were very wet and it was extremely windy. Dan Wells was on his knees at the summit because of the wind and height. 🙂 We walked down from the summit and walked past the Snowdon café, now closed for winter. We took the long Miners path back to our minibus. The path was quite well built and easy to walk on but very tiring. We got to the minibus shortly behind the other group who we saw coming down from the summit. We were soaking wet because of the rain and wind but we had a 10 minute minibus ride back before we could get dry. It was a great achievement being at the top of Snowdon and also being the highest person in England and Wales who was standing on the ground. On the way back we went through the Llanberis pass which was a spectacular veiw. When we got back we put all of our clothes in the drying room and went for dinner. After dinner a group of 9 went to the climbing wall, including Sam and me. When we got back we had a hot drink and went off to bed for the end of a very tiring day.

Wednesday, Mount Whack…Snowdon (Jez’s Group)

Hi liam and Craig writing, we have just got back from climbing Snowdon. The day started by our group following a path called the Miners Track, which was really long. We were ticking off key features on our map to make sure we did not get lost on the way. On the way up some of the group were singing, while  Jez and Mr White were talking about their favourite films…..Watership Down.

When we reached the summit (1085m) we were battered by 40mph winds, very chilly.

Got to go to dinner now, more will follow.

Dinner was good, pizza and wedges and then most of the group are going to do some problem solving with the cool Jez, while myself and Craig are going indoor climbing, someone else will finish this…..

Hello Mr White here to say a few words…. The team are doing very well and are taking on the challenges set with great enthusiasm. Yesterday (its now Thursday morning) myself and Jez felt they did very well as it was tough work, battling our way up Snowdon. It reminded me of the Pass of Caradhras in the Fellowship of the Ring, young brave hobbits facing a world very new but exciting to them. Anyway i need to tuck into my bacon and eggs and find some of the team to continue this.

Morning! Mia, George and Steph here. So now we’d reached the top of Snowdon and everyone was overjoyed! But now we had the trek downwards through the mist and clouds with gusting winds almost knocking us of the mountain! We started off back down the Miners Track past the Ritual Stick singing ”i love rock climbing, put another penny in the ritual stick!” LOL!

After the Zig and the Zag we took the Pyg path back down to the car park, making sure we were still infront of Mr.Alderson’s group! Our highlights of the day were;

Walking stick swapping

All of us continuously singing all the way down to the bottom

Reaching the summit

Having to answer the most ridiculous questions ever (Jez & Mr White)

Mounatin whales!

Speak soon…. Whack

Tuesday, Snowdon (Anne’s group)

Today we were trekking up the very daunting mountain formally known as Snowdon. Snowdon is 1085 metres above sea level. Some people say being small is an advantage, and in many cases it is, like getting through small spaces or getting a kids bus fair, but when it comes to trekking up mountains this can be a bit of a disadvantage. Trust us, we know! First we went up Pyg path, which was not too bad but was a bit steep and tiring. As we got further up it got, let’s just say it was more than a little bit gusty, in other word gale force winds which tried it’s best to throws us off the mountain. During this there were many times where we nearly fell off the mountain and we had to support each other. Soon it got too dangerous and we had to head down, this is easier said than done. Walking down this very steep slippery bank, with gale winds and tons of rain, not what I would call fun. Slipping and falling all over the place and various people (me and clover), very kindly George (Kup) grabbed the back of my back pack as I was getting swept all over the place and nearly pushed over as well as me (Clover) almost get pushed off the side of the mountain by Vicky who had been pushed herself. We had a very amusing lunch in a yellow parachute like tent thing, which we had to sit on so it wouldn’t fly off, it felt like we were in a steam bath as it steamed up so badly. We headed back to the van on the path called Miner’s path, this was much easier than the way up. As expected we were all wet and windswept when we got back to the van. We were all rather relieved the we were sitting down and soon returned to find we were back first once again so we all had a nice hot showers. So over all it was a rather eventful day!

Monday, Snowdon climb (Mike’s Group)

Today was our first day here. So, to break us in gently, we went up Mount Snowdon, the tallest mountain in Wales. We arrived there in the minibus, got all our gear, and headed over to the mountain. The weather was really good, but it was so misty, you were unable to see 10 meters in front of us.

But, after a bit, the fog lifted, and we saw some amazing views. Then we saw mount Snowdon, and we realised just how tiring this was going to be.

So, after a bite to eat, we started to ‘scramble’ (which basically meant climb across the side of the mountain only using our hands and feet) up the mountain. It was quite steep, and the wind didn’t help. Ellie Solly was very scared and wanted to come down because she is scared of the heights.

After that, we walked for about 1-2 hours to get to the summit. We couldn’t see the ground at all because of all the mist, but it was still worth it.

After, we made the long treck down, and in the pouring rain. Then walked back to the minibus. We were all exhausted, but it was worth it for this once in a lifetime climb.

Our overall highlights of the day were:

  • Seeing sheep(and talking to them)
  • Ellie Solly falling in sheep poo
  • Touching the summit marker at the top

Love, Maddy&Ellie&Jack:D xx

BTW this blog is very boring. But tomorrow Ellie and Maddy will write the WHOLE thing!!!!!

x-0-x-0 you know you love me…Gossip Girl (Ellie & Maddy)

Monday, Marchlyn (Mr Alderson’s group; the ‘A’ team)

Hello Lucy and Lauren here!

Today we have been allocated our groups. We are in the ‘A’ team accompanied by: Melissa T, Dan Wells, James T, Dominic, Sam S, Ellie B, Elise and of course our team leader Mr Alderson!

Todays activities for our group consisted of us climbing up 3 mountains; Carnedd y Filiast, Mynydd Perfedd and the biggest Elidir Fawr (which we renamed Lydia!). It was a big shock to the system because it was really cold and killed our legs! Unfortunately, Dan was suffering from fear of heights, so we gently encouraged him up the mountain.

After reaching our first summit, we stopped for a snack and hot drink. We saw two ravens and named them John and Edward 🙂 Then Melissa went to the toilet behind a rock and had hugely amused everyone in the process of doing so.

Minutes later we moved on to our second mountain which was not much taller than the last. We managed to sucessfully climb it without leaving anyone behind!

We were freaked out when we saw the size of the third mountain (924m)! No-one wanted to move (especially poor Dan!) The mountain was extreamly steep and looked soooooooooo scary! It was a painful journey upwards but once we climbed over the HUGE, wobbling rocks we were relieved to reach the summit- apart from Mr A, Sam and Dom who carried on looking for the geocache.

They came back 10 minutes later with a manky white plastic container. It contained: a Ninga Turtle (LOL), rubber, pen and a notebook- which we signed our names in!

The way back down was a dangerous experience but it was very funny! Did you hear Lucy’s screams as she took Lauren out on the way down the slate covered slopes and slid down half the mountain.

It was a great day and we are looking forward to tommorow!

Peace out.

Monday, Pen Yr Helgi Du (Anne’s group)

Today we were separated into four groups. My group were assigned to climb Pen Yr Helgi Du, which translates as Peak Of The Black Hound. Me and Izzy were just like ‘Sirius Black!’ 😉 It was 833m above sea level, and it was what one would call torture. First we had to climb up this very very VERY VERY steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, but my group found out that if you walked backwards it would take off the pressure from the back of your legs and was alot easier. Then we had to climb past this massive lake and it looked so sparkly and appealing 😀 We were climbing on all this slate and rocky stuff and I kept slipping to reach the saddle, which was called; Bulch Eryl Farchog, which means Pass of The Knight Eryl. Once we got to the saddle we had our lunch and took lots of photos. After our break we set off for the summit. It was a really hard rocky steep climb, but everyone was really supportive and helping each other and we all eventually got to the summit and we were all really proud of ourselves and me and Izzy and George and Vicky went and stood on the edge and the wind was like blowing us around, it was like 1000838947 mph 🙁 We started our descent, and it was really steep and hard and challenging, but then the worst possible thing happened. There was this like mud puddle thing and I stepped into it cos i thought it was like 1mm deep. But I put one foot it and the next thing i knew I was shoulder deep in mud and sheep  poo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: D: D: D: George and Izzy and Joe heaved me out and I was drenched in brown muuuuckk. it was absolutely disgusting, but after a while it turned into a LOL situation. Vicky couldn’t stop laughing 🙂 But we continued the steep slatey discent and we walked past like billions of herds of sheep and climbed over about a hundred stiles but then we got to the minibus at ten to three. We started to drive back to the centre and drived past the A teams minibus and saw them at the top of another mountain and we were like WHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 🙂 our team chant throughout the ascent and descent was; “THINK OF THE SHOWERS”. Our team wanted to get back first so we could have first showers. We got back to the centre at half three, before everyone else, and me and Izzy got first showers and had everything done before the other teams got back.

Overall, an eventful day but definately enjoyable. Can’t wait for tommorow;)!

From Eden xoxoxo